GST Details of INFO EDGE (INDIA) LIMITED   10AAACI1838D1ZB   Bihar


Trade Name

info edge (india) limited

Legal Name

info edge (india) limited

Registration Status


Registration Date


Entity Type

Public Limited Company

Place of Business (Address)

6th Floor,, DS Business Park, Bailey Road, Saguna More, Danapur Nizamat,, Patna, Patna, Bihar, 801503

E-Invoice mandatory?

Yes, It is mandatory

Aggregate Turnover

Central Jurisdiction

State - CBIC, Zone - RANCHI, Commissionerate - PATNA I, Division - PATNA CENTRAL DIVISION, Range - GANDHI MAIDAN RANGE

State Jurisdiction

State - Bihar, Division - Central, Circle - Patna Special (Jurisdictional Office)

GSTIN profile last fetched on Thu Aug 15 2024 and GST Returns status last fetched on Thu Aug 15 2024.

Recent GST Returns As on Thu Aug 15 2024

The latest GSTR3B was filled for the period July 2024-2025. The latest GSTR3B was filled for the period June 2024-2025.

FYPeriodFiling Date
2024-2025July09 Aug 2024
2024-2025June09 Jul 2024
2024-2025May08 Jun 2024
2024-2025April09 May 2024
2023-2024March09 Apr 2024
2023-2024February09 Mar 2024
2023-2024January07 Feb 2024
2023-2024December09 Jan 2024
2023-2024November08 Dec 2023
2023-2024October10 Nov 2023
FYPeriodFiling Date
2024-2025June19 Jul 2024
2024-2025May19 Jun 2024
2024-2025April19 May 2024
2023-2024March19 Apr 2024
2023-2024February20 Mar 2024
2023-2024January19 Feb 2024
2023-2024December19 Jan 2024
2023-2024November20 Dec 2023
2023-2024October20 Nov 2023
2023-2024September20 Oct 2023
FYPeriodFiling Date
2022-2023Annual29 Dec 2023
2021-2022Annual29 Dec 2022
2020-2021Annual24 Dec 2021
2019-2020Annual30 Mar 2021
2018-2019Annual30 Sep 2020
2017-2018Annual26 Aug 2019
FYPeriodFiling Date
2022-2023Annual29 Dec 2023
2021-2022Annual30 Dec 2022
2020-2021Annual24 Dec 2021
2019-2020Annual31 Mar 2021
2018-2019Annual21 Oct 2020
2017-2018Annual30 Aug 2019
Compliance Classification
Feature in Beta, classifications may be inaccurate.
Yellow compliance classification indicates that this GSTIN has filed GSTR1, but after the due date.
  • 998599
Business Owners

sanjeev bikhchandani

hitesh oberoi

chintan arvind thakkar

pawan goyal

Other GSTIN of the PAN
Return Periodicity
2024 Q1 M
2024 Q2 M
2024 Q3 M
2024 Q4 M
2023 Q1 M
2023 Q2 M
2023 Q3 M
2023 Q4 M
Business Activities
  • Service Provision
  • Recipient of Goods or Services
  • Office / Sale Office
Similar GSTIN
Similarity is determined through the use of HSN and Pincode, and the list is refreshed periodically.

No similar GSTIN found

The information on this page is generated using publicly accessible data and machine learning models. We make regular updates to this content; however, we do not assume responsibility for ensuring its ongoing accuracy. Please be aware that we do not entertain takedown requests. If you believe the information is incorrect, please contact the GST Department for assistance.

If you have suggestions on improving this page, please send an email detailing the change/s you would like to see. The email is mentioned at the bottom of this page.