GST Details of SOLAR   29ACZFS8584J1ZP   Karnataka


Trade Name


Legal Name


Registration Status


Registration Date


Entity Type


Place of Business (Address)

9/1-2, OPP TO R R NAGAR ARCHE, MYSORE ROAD, NAYANDAHALLI, Bengaluru Urban, Karnataka, 560039

E-Invoice mandatory?

No, Not mandatory

Aggregate Turnover

Central Jurisdiction

State - CBIC, Zone - BENGALURU, Commissionerate - BENGALURU WEST, Division - WEST DIVISION-7, Range - RANGE-DWD7 (Jurisdictional Office)

State Jurisdiction

State - Karnataka, Division - DGSTO-2, Bengaluru, LOCAL GST Office - LGSTO 061 - Bengaluru

GSTIN profile last fetched on Sun Jul 21 2024 and GST Returns status last fetched on Thu Jul 11 2024.

Recent GST Returns As on Thu Jul 11 2024

The latest GSTR3B was filled for the period . The latest GSTR3B was filled for the period .

Compliance Classification
Feature in Beta, classifications may be inaccurate.
Black compliance classification indicates that we cannot determine classification at the moment. This is most likely due to lack of data availability.
  • 87112011
  • 87149100
  • 00440245
  • 00440225
Business Owners

gopal shankar rao

roopa gopal rao

g rakshitha

Other GSTIN of the PAN

No other GSTIN found for this PAN

Return Periodicity
2024 Q1 M
2024 Q2 M
2024 Q3 M
2024 Q4 M
2023 Q1 M
2023 Q2 M
2023 Q3 M
2023 Q4 M
Business Activities
  • Retail Business
  • Service Provision
  • Others
  • Office / Sale Office
  • Supplier of Services
Similar GSTIN
Similarity is determined through the use of HSN and Pincode, and the list is refreshed periodically.

No similar GSTIN found

The information on this page is generated using publicly accessible data and machine learning models. We make regular updates to this content; however, we do not assume responsibility for ensuring its ongoing accuracy. Please be aware that we do not entertain takedown requests. If you believe the information is incorrect, please contact the GST Department for assistance.

If you have suggestions on improving this page, please send an email detailing the change/s you would like to see. The email is mentioned at the bottom of this page.